Hymenoplasty in Paris

Intimate surgery for women at Henri Mondor Hospital

Hymenoplasty in Paris

Intimate surgery for women at Henri Mondor Hospital

Hymenoplasty is surgery for comfort and reconstruction. Hymenoplasty is therefore surgery to restore the hymen. The hymen is a membrane located between the vulva (introitus) and the entrance to the vagina.

The hymen naturally weakens over time. Damage to the vulval hymen is mostly caused by trauma due to sexual penetration. They may occur in the context of female genital mutilation (after rape, after ritual ethnic excision, etc.).

Traditionally, the hymen ruptures during sexual intercourse. However, there are many other causes of hymen rupture, including masturbation, inserting a tampon or playing sport….

Specialist in intimate surgery for women

Hymenoplasty in Paris

With age, the hymenal membrane becomes fragile and avascular, so intra-coital bleeding in adulthood is uncommon. Furthermore, more than half of women do not bleed at first intercourse.

Some civilisations and cultures place a high value on virginity before marriage, which is guaranteed by an intact hymen and no per-coital bleeding. Some young women, fearing rejection by their community, may request this type of procedure. It should be noted that a certificate of virginity is not permitted in France.

In short, plastic surgery for personal convenience is not covered by social security.

Hymenoplasty in Paris

Specialist in intimate surgery for women in Créteil

Yes, the absence of a hymen at birth is rare and often associated with a malformation of the genitals.

There are different forms: multi perforated, annular, cribriform, imperforated….

The most common form is the annular hymen. It is considered intact when the diameter is less than 1 cm (perforation in the centre of the hymen).

In the case of an imperforate membrane, surgery may be required during adolescence to open the hymen to allow secretion and bleeding to drain away.

As with any plastic surgery, smoking must be stopped. A gynaecological consultation is also recommended, as is psychological counselling.

The operation can be performed under local anaesthetic, spinal anaesthetic or general anaesthetic.

l: simple suturing a few days before the wedding is not a reliable technique but is the least invasive procedure.

2: Flaps of hymenal remnants: If there are still hymenal stumps, one technique consists of removing the epithelial and fusing them on both sides. This procedure takes 30 minutes and is reliable in the medium term.

3: Perineoplasty and posterior vaginal flap: if there is no hymen at all and the vulva is gaping (loose entrance), a perineoplasty can be performed in conjunction with a flap of vaginal mucosa to restore the hymen. This procedure is considered invasive. There are potential obstetric risks in the event of vaginal delivery. We do not recommend this type of procedure for comfort surgery. In our experience, this is the only reliable technique for treating per-coital bleeding.

This is outpatient surgery.

Recommendations: avoid sport for 3 weeks, baths, saunas and steam rooms. Penetrative sex is not recommended.