Surgery at Henri Mondor Hospital


Pr Hersant, Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery at Paris Est Créteil

The VASER LIPO is an innovative and original surgical tool because it has no competition on the market.

VASER stands for:

Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance

This tool has become the gold standard in plastic surgery in the United States, South America and the Middle East.

This machine has 3 functions in one:

– Motorised soft tissue infiltration

– Treatment of fatty tissue using an ultrasound cannula to shrink the tissue after liposuction and to fluidify the fat, resulting in a much higher fat extraction yield than with conventional liposuction.

– Collection of quality fat in larger quantities

How does VASER Lipo work?

Aesthetic surgery in Paris

After infiltrating the fatty tissue, the ultrasound cannula uses sound waves to break up the fat and make it more fluid. This prevents damage to the nerves and lymphatics during liposuction. Collagen fibres are also heated to remodel the skin and improve retraction.


Pr Hersant Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery

1) Lipoedema of the limbs:

France is lagging behind in the treatment of lipoedema, which is recognised as a chronic disease by the WHO. The diagnosis is made formally by vascular physicians during a Doppler ultrasound scan of the lower limbs. Treatment for moderate forms (the majority of cases) is surgical, combined with elastic support and physiotherapy (lymphatic drainage).

Patient associations exist.

Find out more about Lipoedema

2) Mammary sequelae of pregnancy (cure of ptosis)

The advantage is that the breasts can be redraped without scarring, thus improving scarring and reducing traditional post-operative complications (areola necrosis, cytosteatonecrosis, disunion, haematoma, infection).

This is a potential indication for us, as we work with many gynaecology and obstetrics departments.

Vaserlipo makes it possible to optimise the results of liposuction and to offer complete body contouring. This is known as High Definition Liposuction (HD Lipo). We can work with the light and shade of the body to highlight the silhouette and mark muscle insertions.

Fat harvested in a closed circuit using this tool avoids superinfection and oxidation of the fat, thus reducing complications for our patients. Ultrasound liquefies the fat for better suction, reducing operating time and the number of operations.

On average, after massive weight loss, there are 5 reconstruction procedures: cruroplasty, brachioplasty, abdominoplasty, body lift and mastopexy. Surgical resections of the after-effects of weight loss are carried out after a period of liposuction to reduce the risk of injury to lymphatics, the venous network and nerves. The use of VASER Lipo improves aesthetic results and reduces complications.

Vaserlipo makes it possible to avoid facelift techniques, provided that strict support is worn for 3 months. The result is a flat appearance with skin retraction and no scarring.