Intimate female surgery in Paris

Pr Hersant, Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in Paris Est Créteil

Surgery on the labia minora

Intimate female surgery in Paris

Labia minora surgery or nymphoplasty involves reducing the labia minora around the vulva. It is a reduction and not an excision. In this indication, the labia minora are hypertrophic or even asymmetrical and protrude from the vulva, which can cause discomfort during sport, when wearing tight clothing or during sexual activity.


Intimate female surgery in Paris

Hymenoplasty is surgery for comfort and reconstruction. Hymenoplasty is therefore surgery to restore the hymen. The hymen is a membrane located between the vulva (introitus) and the entrance to the vagina.

The hymen naturally weakens over time. Damage to the vulval hymen is mostly caused by trauma due to sexual penetration. They may occur in the context of female genital mutilation (after rape, after ritual ethnic excision, etc.).

Intimate hyaluronic acid injections

Intimate female surgery in Paris

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for the reshaping of the labia majora.

This demand may be functional. With age, the labia majora tend to diminish in volume due to melting of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and to lose elasticity. This is reinforced by the hypo-oestrogenism associated with the menopause, which alters the natural protection of the vulva and can cause irritation or pain, particularly during sexual intercourse.

Intimate botox injections

Intimate female surgery in Paris

The main indication is vaginismus, which is one of the problems of sexual dysfunction in women. Vaginismus is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in women. Often left undetected and ignored during a consultation with the GP, it is in itself a cause of psychological and sexual destabilisation in the patient, as well as low self-esteem.

Vaginal lift

Intimate female surgery in Paris

Childbirth, pregnancy, weight changes and ageing can lead to loosening, stretching and tearing of the muscles and tissues of the vagina, perineum and vulva.

This can lead to sexual problems with reduced sensation, loss of vaginal water after bathing, vaginal flatulence during intercourse and loss of sanitary tampons…

Vaginal reconstruction

Intimate female surgery in Paris

The aim is therapeutic, functional and morphological, since reconstruction makes it possible, on the one hand, to fill in the dead pelvic space in cases of exenteration, thereby reducing post-operative complications (fistulas, occlusion, infection) and, on the other hand, to maintain a female morphological and functional body shape that is close to normal.

Genitourinary syndrome

Intimate female surgery in Paris

Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM) is the new term for vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA). Symptoms of oestrogen deficiency in the genitourinary tract are troublesome in over 50% of women, having a negative impact on quality of life, social activity and sexual relations. GSM is a chronic and progressive syndrome that is under-diagnosed and under-treated.