Stretch mark treatment in Paris

Aesthetic medicine at Henri Mondor Hospital

Stretch mark treatment in Paris

Aesthetic medicine, Professor Hersant

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are indelible atrophic lesions (scars) that are initially erythematous (purple), but over time become atrophic, hypo-pigmented and pearly white in colour.

Stretch marks affect 70% of women after pregnancy. They are therefore a very common phenomenon, resulting in atrophy of the epidermis and reorganisation of the dermis in terms of elastin and collagen.

Stretch marks appear as striations with a scar-like appearance, varying in length and width from 1mm to 1 cm. The stretch mark has a depressed appearance and appears withered on the surface. The stretch mark is purple in the 1st inflammatory stage, i.e. recent stretch marks, and pearly white in the case of old stretch marks.

Aesthetic medicine at Henri Mondor Hospital

Stretch mark treatment in Paris

What causes stretch marks and what are the aggravating factors?

Stretch marks occur mainly as a result of :

Skin distension (major weight changes, pregnancy (70% of women after pregnancy)…)

Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, adolescence, endogenous or exogenous hypercorticism, responsible for catabolic activity on elastin and collagen (taking corticoids, cushing’s disease…)


According to a 2006 study, the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is favoured by various risk factors: – a preconception BMI of over 26, – a young age, particularly for a teenage pregnancy, – weight gain of over 15kg during pregnancy, – a baby’s birth weight of over 3.5kg. These last three risk factors are thought to influence the severity of stretch marks.

There are also genetic predispositions.

Stretch mark treatment in Paris

Pr Hersant surgery & aesthetic medicine

General corticoids: it has been shown that the administration of glucocorticoids leads to a reduction in subcutaneous collagen synthesis, resulting in subcutaneous atrophy.

Dermato corticoids: excessive and prolonged application of topical corticoids

certain bleaching treatments: corticoids, hydroquinone, etc.

Sun exposure

Dietary deficiencies, particularly in protein and vitamin B3

Hygienic and dietary rules:

  • fight obesity
  • avoid yo-yo dieting and stabilise your weight
  • eat a varied, balanced diet
  • avoid exposure to the sun (sun protection factor 50)
  • Daily massage and moisturising


For pregnant women

Limit weight gain to 9 to 12 kg with a regular gain of around 1 kg/month

Wear a comfortable bra during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the final months of pregnancy, support your tummy slightly without squeezing it

Massage the skin +++ daily in areas at risk

The location of striae varies according to sex. In boys, they appear in the lumbosacral region, whereas in girls they appear on the buttocks, thighs and breasts. There is a clear increase in the prevalence of striae from the age of 14 (15% in 12-year-olds, 19.5% in 13-year-olds and 27.5% in 14-year-olds), with a peak at the age of 15 (32.2%). The prevalence among girls is significantly higher than among boys, and they appear earlier. (1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys).

The location of striae varies according to sex. In boys, they appear in the lumbosacral region, whereas in girls they appear on the buttocks, thighs and breasts. There is a clear increase in the prevalence of striae from the age of 14 (15% in 12-year-olds, 19.5% in 13-year-olds and 27.5% in 14-year-olds), with a peak at the age of 15 (32.2%). The prevalence among girls is significantly higher than among boys, and they appear earlier. (1 in 4 girls and 1 in 10 boys).

How does the Recosma Erbium Yag laser work? Why is it innovative?

This laser features RecoSMA technology, a new non-invasive technology that uses the Erbium: Aluminium Garnet Er: YAG laser with a wavelength of 2940 nm (this wavelength allows water molecules to be absorbed) and a specific ‘SMA’ (Space Modulated Ablation) tip.

The laser beam is split into several microspots, approximately 10,000/cm2. Each microspot has a diameter of 50 µm and there is a spacing of 50 microns between each microspot. RecoSMA laser technology induces a minimal ablative and thermal effect (the effect of a light sunburn is felt) as the beam penetrates only 50 µm into the epidermis, hence the absence of pain and side effects.

Then there is an acoustic wave effect that propagates deeper, between 3 and 6 mm, into the dermis. During the 2 to 4 days following treatment, the skin peels slightly, unlike with the CO2 laser, where side effects such as oedema, erythema and burns can occur and last up to a month.

RecoSMA laser technology generates acoustic waves at depths of 3 and 6 mm, destroying the cell membrane and inducing tissue renewal. Unlike conventional lasers, RecoSMA technology is a non-fractional and non-thermal method (the skin temperature remains stable at 36.6°C and the thermal effect is minimal.

The method is non-ablative: the epidermis is hardly damaged (50 micron microspots) and the skin’s protective barrier function is not compromised. What’s more, this technique is suitable for all parts of the body, including areas where the skin is thin.

What other treatments are there for stretch marks? Are they reliable? Why do you ask?

Various therapies are available to treat stretch marks, but with modest effectiveness: retinoid cream-based treatments are often used to prevent these lesions, moisturising creams, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and needling.

These creams should limit the appearance of stretch marks or, if they already exist, encourage their healing and reduce their appearance. To do this, you need to :

provide moisturising and ‘nourishing’ elements to improve skin resistance, – regulate the biochemical mechanisms involved in synthesising macromolecules in the dermis, – and boost fibrocyte activity to consolidate skin architecture. Stretch mark creams are made up of the following components:

moisturisers or anti-dehydrators (sweet almond, collagen, elastin, etc.) to improve skin resistance

firming agents (alchemilla, ivy, horsetail, silicon, etc.)

But the most important thing is massage to stimulate the skin mechanically.

Otherwise, the most radical treatment is surgery: a skin lift with complete removal of the affected area of skin, but on the other hand, there is a large scar: interesting in abdominoplasty (post weight loss or post pregnancy).