Renuvion in Paris
Aesthetic medicine at Henri Mondor Hospital
Renuvion in Paris
Aesthetic medicine, Professor Hersant
RENVUVION or Jett Plasma is an innovative device using Plasma Helium technology to coagulate subcutaneous fibres.
The aim of this technology is to retract the skin without scarring. It is generally combined with liposuction, except in cases of sagging skin alone. It is the only representative of this class, with very specific properties.
In fact, monopolar radiofrequency applied to the helium molecule generates this Plasma Helium effect, capable of delivering 85°C instantaneously (in 0.044sec), resulting in collagen contraction of 60% without thermal diffusion (return to 41°C in 7/10ths of a second). The immediate benefit is unequalled tissue retraction with reduced risk.
Aesthetic medicine at Henri Mondor Hospital
Renuvion in Paris
It has FDA approval (USA) and medical CE marking (Europe).
RENUVION enables tissue contraction to be achieved without any scarring other than the cannula insertion points. It can be used in addition to or following liposuction, although liposuction is not compulsory.
It also makes it possible to avoid the scarring induced by a plasty on wrinkled tummies, the arms, the inner thighs and the neck.
However, this procedure is obviously less effective than a facelift requiring scars.
Renuvion in Paris
Pr Hersant surgery & aesthetic medicine
- Peri-umbilical and abdominal wrinkling
- Slackening of the neck and oval of the face
- Slight breast ptosis
- Sagging arms
- Sagging thighs
- Sagging calves and knees
- sagging of the pubis and/or vulva
- Ptosis of the buttocks
- sagging skin on the back and hips
- In combination with traditional liposuction or with Vaser Lipo for body contouring or lipoedema.