Labia minora surgery in Paris
Intimate surgery for women at Henri Mondor Hospital
Labia minora surgery in Paris
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in Paris Est Créteil
Labia minora surgery or nymphoplasty involves reducing the labia minora around the vulva. It is a reduction and not an excision. In this case, the labia minora are hypertrophic or even asymmetrical and protrude from the vulva, which can cause discomfort during sport, when wearing tight clothing or during sexual activity.
Can nymphoplasty be avoided?
Nymphoplasty is designed to reduce the labia minora. But when the labia majora are enlarged, the labia minora are camouflaged. Sometimes, an injection of fat or hyaluronic acid can plump up the vulva and camouflage those unsightly labia minora.
Nymphoplasty & Intimate surgery for women
Labia minora surgery in Paris
Some women have very large, hypertrophic labia minora, which can be embarrassing in everyday life. When getting dressed, cycling or horse-riding, for example, but also sexually, where they have to pull on their labia in order to be penetrated.
And what we regularly see are very asymmetrical labia minora, one that is perfect and the other that is larger. Another example is that other women may be bothered by a small shape in their swimming costume; they tell me that they feel like they have a small penis because it bulges out at the level of the swimming costume. In such cases, it’s best to wear black swimming costumes to camouflage this complex. If it bothers you so much that you no longer have any sexuality, that you only make love in the dark, that’s a shame. It’s best to find a solution that will make you feel better. All this can create real complexes.
You then have the option of outpatient reduction surgery, which takes 3 weeks to heal and means no intercourse for 3 weeks.
The results are very satisfactory.
Labia minora surgery in Paris
Intimate surgery for women
Nymphoplasty: do we recover all our sensations?
No. They are simply reduced, not amputated. In this operation, the clitoris, vagina and vestibule are completely untouched.
However, there is innervation in the labia minora, which are useful and have a function. They help to keep the entrance to the vagina moist, which is very useful for menopausal women. They keep the entrance to the vagina at a certain pH, a certain humidity.
As a result, a microbiota to avoid repeated infections, mycosis etc…
The labia minora are the swing doors at the entrance to the vagina, so they have a role to play. However, they are not extremely erogenous. Pleasure comes mainly from the clitoris, which is 7 cm long, and the vagina.
Nymphoplasty: What are the post-operative effects?
It takes 3 weeks to heal. It is advisable to avoid sexual intercourse during this period and to wear cotton underwear. The scar may be swollen for 1 to 3 months.
There may be pain and oedema for 5 days to 1 month.
Rarely, patients develop vulvar varicose veins, which may remain oedematous for several months.
Smoking cessation helps prevent scarring.