Vaginal reconstruction in Paris

Intimate female surgery at Henri Mondor University Hospital

Vaginal reconstruction in Paris

Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in Paris Est Créteil

The aim is therapeutic, functional and morphological, since vaginal reconstruction makes it possible, on the one hand, to fill in the dead pelvic space in cases of exenteration, thereby reducing post-operative complications (fistulas, occlusion, infection) and, on the other hand, to maintain a female morphological and functional body shape that is close to normal.

Vaginal reconstruction techniques

Advances in the field of vaginal reconstruction include the use of custom-made perforating flaps harvested while respecting the rectus muscles.

In fact, 3D volume rendering and augmented reality imaging of the perforating vessels of the rectus muscles makes it possible to harvest cutaneous fat flaps at the expense of the inferior epigastric vessels (DIEP-SIEP) vascularised on a perforator while preserving the functional integrity of the abdominal wall.

Sex life after vaginal reconstruction

Vaginal reconstruction specialist in Paris

More than 50% of women do not regain their sexuality after cancer surgery, even after reconstruction. However, over 70% of them were satisfied with having a functional neovagina.

The total cessation of sexual activity is proportional to the patient’s age, but also to the development of a depressive syndrome and the use of medication, which can act as a brake on the resumption of sexual activity. Treatments such as chemotherapy or menopause induced by oophorectomy also reduce libido. Scarring, colostomy and urinary diversion are also obstacles to sexual fulfilment.

In cases of isolated vaginal reconstruction for congenital agenesis, quality of life is satisfactory. Psychological problems linked to the inability to become pregnant seem to have an impact on sexual quality of life. Prospects include surrogate motherhood and uterus transplants.