Intimate botox injections in Paris
Intimate surgery for women at Henri Mondor Hospital
Intimate botox injections in Paris
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery in Paris Est Créteil
The main indication is vaginismus, which is one of the problems of sexual dysfunction in women. Vaginismus is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in women. Often left undetected and ignored during a consultation with the GP, it is itself a cause of psychological and sexual destabilisation in the patient, as well as low self-esteem.
Several treatments have been launched to improve this condition, ranging from physical exercises targeting pelvic floor laxity to psychological and cognitive support sessions.
The use of botulinum toxin has become widespread in recent years, with studies showing its effectiveness in treating vaginismus, especially in cases that are refractory to conventional treatments.
What is vaginismus?
Intimate botox injections in Paris
Vaginismus is characterised by a recurrent or persistent situation of involuntary contraction of the perineal muscles when an attempt is made to penetrate with the penis, tampon, finger or speculum. As a result, patients develop or anticipate a feeling of fear related to anything that might enter the vagina.
Vaginismus can be classified as primary, when a woman has never had sexual intercourse, or secondary, when a woman loses the ability to have sexual intercourse, usually as a result of acquired dyspareunia (pain during intercourse).
The incidence is not well defined and remains difficult to adjust, but it could vary from 1 to 9% in the general population. However, it is not uncommon to find it as a complaint responsible for 75.9% of women’s sexual problems.
Intimate botox injections in Paris
Pr Hersant Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery
What is botulinum toxin and how does it work in vaginismus?
Botulinum toxin has been specifically used in numerous studies to treat various gynaecological conditions such as vaginismus, chronic pelvic pain, dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) and urinary incontinence with overactive bladder or sphincter disorders.
Botulinum toxin blocks the secretion of neurotransmitters, thereby blocking the neuromuscular junction.
Botulinum toxin reduces the pain associated with vaginismus by inhibiting transmission of the pain signal.
What is the injection technique for vaginismus?
Botulinum toxin is injected sub-mucosally into the main muscles that interfere with any act of penetration. It should be injected into the lateral vaginal wall, avoiding the areas around the urethra and the rectum. The first recommended dose is 100 to 150 units. Local anaesthesia has proved effective in minimising the discomfort associated with any manipulation in the pelvic region.
How many injections are needed?
Most patients only need one treatment session. Additional doses may be required 4 to 6 months later if necessary.
What are the different types of hymenoplasty procedures?
l: simple suturing a few days before the wedding is not a reliable technique but is the least invasive procedure.
2: Flaps of hymenal remnants: If there are still hymenal stumps, one technique consists of removing the epithelial and fusing them on both sides. This procedure takes 30 minutes and is reliable in the medium term.
3: Perineoplasty and posterior vaginal flap: if there is no hymen at all and the vulva is gaping (loose entrance), a perineoplasty can be performed in conjunction with a flap of vaginal mucosa to restore the hymen. This procedure is considered invasive. There are potential obstetric risks in the event of vaginal delivery. We do not recommend this type of procedure for comfort surgery. In our experience, this is the only reliable technique for treating per-coital bleeding.
What are the after-effects?
This is outpatient surgery.
Recommendations: avoid sport for 3 weeks, baths, saunas and steam rooms. Penetrative sex is not recommended.