Intimate hyaluronic acid injections in Paris
Intimate surgery for women at Henri Mondor Hospital
Intimate hyaluronic acid injections in Paris
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In recent years, there has been a growing demand for the reshaping of the labia majora.
This demand may be functional. With age, the labia majora tends to diminish in volume due to melting of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and to lose elasticity. This is reinforced by the hypo-oestrogenism associated with the menopause, which alters the natural protection of the vulva and can cause irritation or pain, particularly during sexual intercourse. Hypotrophy can also occur after significant weight loss, pregnancy or cancer.
Women's intimate medicine
Intimate hyaluronic acid injections in Paris
Remodelling may also be indicated for aesthetic reasons, as some women naturally have hypotrophy of the labia majora associated with hypertrophy of the labia minora, causing aesthetic discomfort. The best results are obtained when these two areas are treated together.
Treatment of these disorders is based mainly on lipofilling (autologous fat grafting) more or less combined with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). However, hyaluronic acid has recently made its appearance in genital medicine and is now an integral part of the treatment.
Intimate hyaluronic acid injections in Paris
Pr Hersant Aesthetic Surgery
What is the purpose of the labia majora?
The main role of the labia majora is to protect the underlying tissues, with a large amount of adipose tissue serving to absorb external stresses and the presence of pubic hair reducing mechanical stress and friction.
When the labia majora are hypotrophic, they appear ‘empty’ and the labia minora are uncovered.
Intimate injections: what are the INDICATIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS?
The two indications for injections into the labia majora are :
- Hypotrophy or atrophy due to loss of volume
- Aesthetic discomfort with loose skin.
Contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections are common to all parts of the body:
- Pregnant or breast-feeding women
- Inflammation or infection of the area to be injected: herpes or mycosis
- Hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients
- Autoimmune diseases or immunotherapeutic treatments
- Treatment with antiaggregants/anticoagulants
What type of hyaluronic acid can be injected to reshape the labia majora?
Only one product currently has CE marking for the genital area: DESIRIAL PLUS by VIVACY, marketed since 2011.
This is a cross-linked hyaluronic acid with a rheology adapted to the genital area: it is concentrated at 21 mg/g, elastic and viscous. It contains mannitol, which has an antioxidant action and slows down its degradation. It is manufactured in France. The product comes in a 2ml syringe per box.
It will have a protective role by increasing the volume of the labia majora, which will cover the entrance to the vagina, resulting in less irritation and less vaginal dryness. It also moisturises the tissues and encourages the synthesis of elastin and collagen. All this helps to improve dyspareunia, irritation and vulvar itching.
Do I need to see a gynaecologist before considering injections?
Yes, an annual gynaecological examination is recommended for all women after the start of their sexual life. A normal smear test is also recommended before any procedure in this area. You should also check that there are no local conditions such as herpes or mycosis.
Intimate injections: What type of anaesthetic?
Watch the Vulvo-Vaginal Injections of Hyaluronic Acid ‘HA’ video on Youtube
It is important to carry out the injection painlessly, as this is an already sensitive area. Two types of anaesthetic are possible:
Topical anaesthesia: xylocaine urological gel 1 hour before or EMLA cream 30 minutes before.
Locoregional anaesthesia: longitudinal injection of lidocaine hydrochloride 2% along each labia majora (approximately 0.5-0.7ml per side).
Nitrous oxide (gas to be inhaled) may be added if the patient is anxious.
The anaesthetic is then massaged to ensure that it is correctly distributed.
What is the procedure for injecting hyaluronic acid into the labia majora?
Watch the ‘HA’ vulvovaginal hyaluronic acid injections video on Youtube
The first step is to make a pre-hole.
The injection is then made with a cannula. The injection is made in a retractile manner, moving up towards the top of the labia majora.
Most of the area to be filled is the lower-internal part of the labia majora, and the upper-external part is also treated for optimum results. It is important to massage the product and spread it evenly over the whole of the labia majora. Then do the same on the other side.
The volume injected is approximately 2 to 3 ml per lip.
Intimate injections: What are the after-effects and what results can be expected?
It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse for 5 days following the injection.
Injections of hyaluronic acid will reinforce the protective function of the labia majora by increasing their volume and improving the aesthetic appearance of the entire vulvar region.
The product lasts approximately 12 months, depending on the quantity injected. Generally speaking, the more severe the hypotrophy, the more the product is injected and the longer it lasts.
Patients report a rapid improvement in irritation and itching.
Intimate injections: What are the potential complications?
Minor complications may arise after injection, such as oedema, haematoma, sensitivity at the injection site or pruritus. These usually resolve within a few days. More rarely, nodules or ‘balls’ of hyaluronic acid may be palpable, especially in the case of non-linear injections or poor massage. They are treated with massage or hyaluronidase in the event of persistent discomfort.
To date, no major complications have been reported in the scientific literature.